Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A brand new start

It almost 8:30 a.m. and I am sitting here at work wish for 5:00. Wow got a ways to go. Anyways, as I am sitting here, I am thinking about how wonderful I can make this new year. So far, I brought in the New Year with wonderful friends in Memphis, TN and got a newer ride. It's an 06 Chevy Tahoe and I love it so much. However, I think my husband loves it more than me. Everytime he has to go somewhere, he is in it. Atleast it's getting used. Now about Memphis, OMG is all I can say. What an awesome trip (even though I lost about $80 at the casino). The trip included: myself and Josh, Haley and Hub, Aubrey and Bucky (he won a butt load at the casino, Lucky punk), and Krystal and Brandon. Also, Krystal and Aubrey's brother and one of his friend went. So on the way up there I had to sit on an ice chest between Aubrey and Bucky. We got pulled over once on the way up there for no tags on my Aunt Kim's new ride we took. I just leaned back and made it look like we were sitting on a bench seat. Then we got pulled over 2 more times while we were up there. When we got there, it was New Years Eve so we all headed to Bill Street and had a blast. I CANNOT go into details. The next night was casino night and then the next day was the big game. It was FREEZING but I had so much fun. And so now, this bring us to the present.
Since you know about how my New Year started I guess I can use this blog for what I planned on doing. I made some really great choices in breakfast. Instead of the cookies, chips, and Diet Dr. Pepper I usually get, I ate wheat toast with light butter and drank orange juice (sunny D but hey atleast I'm trying). For a snack at work, instead of the chex mix I usually have, I have a banana, wheat crackers, and nutrigrain bar to choose from. Well that's all I can really talk about at this point because my day just started but don't worry I'll be back with more later.

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