Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hey again

Ok so the bakery is on hold for a while. However I have still been baking cakes and plan on adding those pictures later. They are not the best but I am still learning. Ok so when I last updated, I was working in El Dorado. Well now I work in Fordyce. I am still happily married to my wonderful husband and we celebrated our 1st year this past August. Anyways I will be updating more but for now that's all I got.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Ok so sorry i haven't updated in a while but i have been kinda busy. I joined Healthworks and have worked out almost everyday except Sunday. On Monday-Wednesday i try to get there at 6:00am and do a mile intervals on the treadmill then spend about 20 minutes doing lapse in the pool. On Thursdays, i am going to a hip hop dance class then Fridays i try to work out at lunch. I have tried to stick to my 1200-1400 calorie diet. I have gone over 2x but usually im under. I feel like i have more energy now.
On the busy side, its put on hold for a bit.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Wow i have no blogged in a while. Anyways, here is an update. I went to the doctor yesterday for stomach pains. The only thing that i think could be causing it is STRESS!! I asked her about losing weight because i am not doing good at all so i am leaving my opinion of no diet pills in the dust. She put me on adipexs and a 1400 calories per day food plan. My first goal is to lose 8lbs in one month! Also, Josh has agreed that we can join healthworks. His even joining. Since we work in El Dorado, i figured we would meet up after work and just swim or workout. The dr wants to me to get 30minutes of moderate exercise 6 days a week. I am so excited! I have to check in every month with her! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

BTW this is the husband asleep on the goddaughters pincess blanket and pillow. Did not misspell that's how she says it and he actually fell asleep on them. This is our wedding weekend in Florida!


So I'm not very good about keeping this updated. Anyways, I am sooo sore today because I did 4 fast miles last night. It is a work out DVD. I had a major sweat fest. Yesterday's food choices were not back except supper. Breakfast was a shake, banana as a snack, sandwich and 100 cal chips for lunch. Then, I broke down and ate pizza for supper. Oh and worst of all I found the candy that I had been looking for: star burst jellybeans!!! I bought 4 bags!! I did give one to my dad and put 2 in a candy dish at home. I left one at work and just finished it today. I didn't do too bad today for breakfast. I had wheat toast and a Dr. Pepper (I know not good but that's all we had and I didn't want to stop at the store in this cold weather). I went to lunch at Good Times Grill and moms be proud I finished my plate!!! That was a very bad thing to do!!! I am so full and we are suppose to go out to eat with friends tonight. Better make some good choices to make up for today! Now to the business adventure. I am going to Camden tomorrow to talk to a bank about a small business loan!! I am so excited, I hope it all goes the way the Lord wants it to go and I hope that way is smoothly! I am so ready to open, I printed out some menu templates of other bakery/deli to get some ideas on the food. I have alot of choices and have started putting together my own menu book. Anyways, gotta get back to my day job!! God Bless!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nothing new

So I haven't updated in awhile because I really haven't gotten any new news. I have been trying to make good choices. I'm not depriving myself of sweets but I am eating less. I try not to drink sodas but right now I am drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper. I am soooo tired that I really need the caffeine. Between my husband and dog, I get no sleep at all. For some reason, Josh always rolls over me and in the process rolls over Chloe who sleeps right in between us. I took my lunch yesterday to work. Chicken noodle soup and wheat crackers. However, I messed up and went to the store and got a coke, candy bar, and cookie. I had a major headache and when that happens I crave sweets which is prolly the cause of the headache. The headache is actually still here today. :( Anyways, I have not had a chance to do anything else on the business but I have been praying and dreaming. :) I really want this to happen. I know it will be a struggle but I want it and I know I can do it. Anyways, going back to work!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another Day

Ok so i missed posting yesterday but I'm back now! So I'm still trying to do this healthy lifestyle but it is sooo hard. I have been doing ok except my little cousin Morgan and I made a chocalate cake the other day and it has been calling my name so I have indulged alittle. Anyways, Josh and I go after work today to look at that building again. I have been getting estimates on appliances right now and wow is all I can say! Anyways.... gota get back to my day job. Have a great day and God bless!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekend nightmare

So this weekend, my healthy eating was the last thing on my mind. I did find a building for my shop though. It needs a lot of work but will be well worth it. The nightmare is actually a personal family matter that I pray will work out. Guess I will just have to wait and see what happens......

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's Friday and I should be in a good mood but I'm just toooo tired to care today. I stayed up making doughnuts last night and they did not turn out so I'm trying again tonight with a different recipe. Anyways, I did good last night and only tasted a doughnut hole and had a bowl of cereal with 1% milk. This morning, had my breakfast shake and a banana. :)
As for the business adventure, I called about one place and they are going to get back to me. I have my mother asking about another place. I am still very excited (on the inside today because I'm toooo tired to show it on the outside). I guess that's all I have to say for now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

WOW lunch!

So I just got back from lunch with Josh and my coworker Nikki. We went to Good Times Grill and wow i ate TOOOO much. The shrimp pasta is soooo good. I made a bad choice! Since he ate a big lunch, then usually he doesn't want anything for supper so if that's the case, I can just eat a healthy bowl of cereal. So on the business end: I am trying to locate a place to put it. No one in Hampton wants to sell their buildings on Main Street. I mean how does anyone expect Hampton to grow if people won't sell places that we could put business!! I had this one PERFECT spot in mind but nope they aren't going to sell! Anyways, back to work for now.

Not so good morning :(

So this day has not started off good but I do plan on turning the rest of the day into a good one. Josh got called out to an outage at 1:30 this morning and is still working. :( I still did good on my choices this morning. I had a breakfast shake, coffee, and brought me a banana for a snack. I am going to cheat tonight and make Josh a good dinner. I just don't know what yet but dessert will be BLONDIES and they are pour sugar and butter! In other news, I ordered Uncle Sam's Money book yesterday and called about a few places to maybe open it at!! I am soooo excited about that!!! I really just need to pick a name for the place..... I'm drawing a big blank there. Oh well, that's all for right now!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Still doing good!

Ok so it's now after lunch and I have still done good on my choosing. For lunch I had a turkey sandwich on wheat bread and baked chips. I also had a root beer. I know that is a soda but as long as you don't over do it then one small one a day isn't bad. For dessert, I am eating candy, yes candy. It's that gobstopper candy and it's on 60 calories for 9 pieces. I can't completely stop eating everything I love and trust me I LOVE candy! As for supper tonight, we will have turkey and gravy with mash potatoes, mac and cheese made from wheat noodles and velveta cheese with 2% milk. Then hopefully for exercise, I will do laundry :( or play with my rowdy dogs outside.

I hate working out and I found that playing with this to and the one not pictured really keeps your heart pumping. Until next time, Have a great rest of the day!

A brand new start

It almost 8:30 a.m. and I am sitting here at work wish for 5:00. Wow got a ways to go. Anyways, as I am sitting here, I am thinking about how wonderful I can make this new year. So far, I brought in the New Year with wonderful friends in Memphis, TN and got a newer ride. It's an 06 Chevy Tahoe and I love it so much. However, I think my husband loves it more than me. Everytime he has to go somewhere, he is in it. Atleast it's getting used. Now about Memphis, OMG is all I can say. What an awesome trip (even though I lost about $80 at the casino). The trip included: myself and Josh, Haley and Hub, Aubrey and Bucky (he won a butt load at the casino, Lucky punk), and Krystal and Brandon. Also, Krystal and Aubrey's brother and one of his friend went. So on the way up there I had to sit on an ice chest between Aubrey and Bucky. We got pulled over once on the way up there for no tags on my Aunt Kim's new ride we took. I just leaned back and made it look like we were sitting on a bench seat. Then we got pulled over 2 more times while we were up there. When we got there, it was New Years Eve so we all headed to Bill Street and had a blast. I CANNOT go into details. The next night was casino night and then the next day was the big game. It was FREEZING but I had so much fun. And so now, this bring us to the present.
Since you know about how my New Year started I guess I can use this blog for what I planned on doing. I made some really great choices in breakfast. Instead of the cookies, chips, and Diet Dr. Pepper I usually get, I ate wheat toast with light butter and drank orange juice (sunny D but hey atleast I'm trying). For a snack at work, instead of the chex mix I usually have, I have a banana, wheat crackers, and nutrigrain bar to choose from. Well that's all I can really talk about at this point because my day just started but don't worry I'll be back with more later.